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Bladder Pain Keeps Her from the Things She Loves, Including Sex

Her bladder pain is ever-present, whether she’s at the gym or having sex. It’s impeding her lifestyle and chaining her to a constant state of displeasure. She suffers from interstitial cystitis, a condition characterized by intense bladder discomfort with no known causes.
Case #:1352

I tend to experience pain around my bladder at all hours of the day. While I’m at work, when I’m in the gym and even when I am having sex. I experience pain during all of this. I want to free myself from the pain in my bladder to enjoy not only the gym but also sex. What do you think I can do to improve myself?

Intercourse and orgasm are expected to be easy for males and females. After all, sex is a natural expression of affection and, when done correctly, gives great pleasure. But the reality is that for untold numbers of women, intercourse presents anything but pleasure. It brings pain and discomfort that often give way to feelings of resentment and embarrassment.
Your condition is not directly related to sex, but it does compromise your healthy responses to intercourse. You can take some comfort in knowing you’re not alone, as plenty of women suffer from bladder problems. Symptoms range from constant pain to that which is present only at specific times. It’s time to get to the root of this problem and help you resume a normal and healthy lifestyle.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Simply put, interstitial cystitis (IC) is recurring pain in the abdomen. Discomfort is usually focused in the bladder and can include pressure and tenderness. These feelings often escalate when urine fills or is relieved from the bladder. For many women, menstruation can exacerbate the problem.
IC is difficult to define as one specific condition or as presenting symptoms that fall into a well-defined parameter. Many times IC causes frequent urination even when bladder size is perfectly normal. This is because the condition can cause bladder walls to become stiff and/or scarred, especially if pinpoint bleeding is present.
The exact cause or causes of IC are not fully understood. Heredity might play a role, as well as other conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia. Another theory suggests it is part of a greater disease in which other organs also become inflamed.
The Bladder and Sex

At this point, you might be asking why IC causes you to feel pain during intercourse. The answer is this: vaginal penetration occasionally causes the bladder to move slightly. This can further irritate an organ that is already chafed and painful. Because the bladder sits closely to the vagina, deep thrusting can be especially uncomfortable and cause pain to radiate throughout the abdomen.
Women with IC usually keep their vaginal muscles in a state of tension without even realizing it. Whereas these muscles in a female without IC are generally loose and relaxed, a woman with IC keeps them clenched. This can impede intercourse and, when it does happen, cause even greater pain.
It is difficult to enjoy the pleasures of sex once your thoughts are locked on discomfort. Not only do you have to be physically aroused to enjoy sex, but you must also be in the right frame of mind. This is why IC makes it so difficult for women to reach orgasm: it keeps you from mentally being in the moment and presents pain and discomfort in even the most intimate situations.
Remedy Your Bladder Pain

To find greater enjoyment during sex, you might try changing the positions in which you and your partner engage. The woman-on-top position can promote deep penetration, which is likely to cause more pain. Doggie-style also allows deep thrusts that can move and irritate your bladder. The best position, therefore, might be tried and true missionary.
An all-natural herbal remedy can also ease bladder pain and help you orgasm during intercourse. (SEE: Herbal Relief for Interstitial Cystitis & Bladder Pain) Ingredients like Sea Mussel and Quercetin ease inflammation and promote the growth of healthy cells and connective tissues. Chondroitin also supports overall bladder health so that even trips to the gym are more enjoyable. The end result for you will be less pain and a return to the activities you enjoy.

What to do

Natural Relief Formula for Painful Bladder & Interstitial Cystitis

Many herbs and ingredients in this formula blend together to relieve the problems associated with pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis symptoms, bladder inflammation, genital discomfort, pain during intercourse, urinary frequency and pain.

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Views: 213

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 60398

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