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Headaches and Nausea Caused by Your Personal “Hot Rod”

It’s like my body is screaming for a break, but I love sex too much to stop

Case #: 468


I have been married for two years now, and as you would expect from a newlywed couple, we engage in sex—a lot. Every chance we are together we try to have sex. From sunrise to sunset, we engage in sex. Whether we are too tired—or hungry—we enjoy the euphoria and elation sex brings us.

However, when my wife is not home, I tend to get a bit too excited. To calm my nerves, I tend to masturbate when she is not around. I jerk off before she gets home. I masturbate in the bathroom. I’ll even masturbate right before I leave for work. Now, I feel that all my endless sexual activities have caused my current trouble: headaches and nausea. After I ejaculate, I notice my headaches and nausea return. It’s like my body is screaming for a break, but I love sex too much to stop. Could too much sex be a health concern?


Your Hot Rod is Sputtering

Hot rods are exciting; hot rods are powerful and thrilling. If you have ever ridden in a hot rod, you can feel the excitement. The vibration, the roar of the powerful engines, and of course, that peel out and speed can excite.

You penis is like a small, fleshy hot rod; it’s sleek, powerful, but just like a hot rod, it has its own engine with different parts that rely on one another to perform at maximum capacity.

Much like our hot rod’s engine, sex is a complex series of chemical reactions that all depend on one another to perform well. Sex addiction, along with excessive masturbation, is like burning rubber, which can ruin your engine.

Your body cannot heal itself and replace important neurochemicals, semen, or testosterone. This depletion can lead to fatigue, nausea, all the way up to severe headaches, which you are experiencing. How do we get that hot rod back on track and eliminate headaches? Well, first we have to take it and its worn out engine to a good garage.

What the Heck Caused your Hot Rod to Break Down?

Don’t worry; you’re not weird because you love sex. Everyone loves sex; there’s that sudden rush and ultimate climax just like flooring the petal to the metal and blazing across that finish line. However, too much sex can cause some complications.

In fact, your constant need to masturbate when your wife’s not around is a direct result of your body not being able to manufacture the neurochemicals fast enough for sexual activity, even though your mind is telling you that you can. Because your body lacks two crucial neurotransmitters--serotonin and acetylcholine--you are prone to problems such as back pain, nausea, headaches and even dizziness; all common symptoms associated with sexual exhaustion due to sexual addiction.

What you really need is a break from both sex and masturbation in order to replenish some of those important neurochemical components within your body. Don’t worry, we’re not talking years here, many have seen increases in their libido levels in just a few weeks, with proper rest and diet.

One way to restore your body’s sexual engine to its former drag-racing levels is by taking natural healing botanical formulas that help to speed up the process of getting back on track. Who knows, maybe you’ll use some of your recovery time to work on your actual car while your body and its hot rod are taking a much needed break.

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Blog ID: 61083

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