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The Defects Of The Pill

Learn about a woman whose birth control is giving her more trouble than it's worth.
Case #: 1216

I have been experiencing vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse for the past couple of years. I even feel pain in my vaginal muscles and the inner part of my legs during foreplay. I have been on birth control for about five years, and when I noticed a dark black bloody discharge, the doctor said that it was normal. My libido has dropped significantly. My boyfriend and I have been experiencing a lot of problems because of the vaginal dryness. I want to keep taking the pill because it reduces my headaches and mood swings. I do not plan on having children. What do you recommend?

One of the biggest lessons I've learned so far in life, is that birth control is not for everyone. There are a lot of women out there that can take to it like a fish to water, but there are also many of us that will have significant complications regarding the pill. The first birth control I was prescribed gave me terrible headaches that always seemed to linger. It also prolonged my menstruation cycle for nearly two weeks. At that point in my life, I decided that birth control was too much of a hassle, so I went off the pill for two years.
Birth Control Set Backs

When I finally tried it again, I was very skeptical and nervous about putting my body through the ringer once more. Luckily, the new pills integrated well with my body type and genetic makeup, and I haven't had a problem with it since.
I end up sharing this short story a lot here at Herballove, because I feel that it lets women know that there's nothing wrong with their bodies. It's the birth control that must fit into your life, not the other way around. Unfortunately, there is no brand of the pill that is guaranteed to integrate with a specific body chemistry.
The Black Blood

The blackish or brown colored discharge that you've been producing is actually old menstruation blood that might have become trapped during periods. This can occur when the liver is no longer able to filter out the extra synthetic hormones that are included in many birth control options. Over time this blood ages and turns a darker shade because of yeast. You might have also noticed a distinctive odor along with the color change. If you have, you should notify your doctor immediately.
Vaginal Dryness

A low libido and vaginal dryness are also symptoms of birth control. This is probably the root of your intercourse pain. Dry sex has got to be one of the most excruciating pains to go through on this green Earth. It sounds like your body and your sex life could benefit from a little detox. If you really want the discolored discharge to stop and your normal vaginal moisture to come back, I would highly recommend going off of your birth control for a few months. Your body is clearly sending you warning signs of an impending infection.
Fix It Further

An easy way to speed up the healing processes during your time of detox, is to utilize herbs such as Black Cohosh, Mexican Wild Yam, Dong Quia, and Bupleurum. (SEE: Vaginal Hormonal Restoration Formula) These natural herbs will help to strengthen your liver, so that it may properly cleans your body of the extra synthetic hormones that come along with most birth control pills. They will also improve the effectiveness of your detox process.

What to do

Vaginal RH Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Hormonal Realignment For Intercourse Pain

Taking hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, patches, injections, and vaginal rings, can cause intercourse pain for many women. Symptoms from prescription and infertility drugs may also contribute. . Liver strengthening and...

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Views: 224

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Vaginal Discharge, Vaginal Dryness

Blog ID: 62135

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