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Pass on the Puffing

Man notices that smoking decreases the strength of his erection, but nothing he has tried to quit smoking has worked! Are there certain herbs that can aid in the cessation of smoking? Is there anything he can do to restore vitality to his member?

Case #: 1199


I am very happy with my recovery, and am not in terrible pain anymore. I have read that there is a certain combination of herbs that help you to quit smoking. I am having a terrible time trying to stop and have tried everything: acupuncture, patches, hypnosis; and nothing worked. I want to quit smoking because I have noticed the power of my penis strongly decreases when I smoke. It is not as strong as before.


I’m sure that smoking has really done a number on your member. As you probably already know, the nicotine found in cigarettes causes the arteries to compress. Over time, these smaller arteries allow less and less blood to flow through them, which in turn hampers blood flow to your penis when you need it most. Luckily, there are herbs that can both reverse these effects and prevent the desire to continue smoking. It’s a win-win!

Why Can’t I Stop?

Studies have suggested that nicotine is more addictive than heroin, so it’s no surprise that you’re having a hard time quitting. When nicotine hits the brain, it triggers a release of adrenaline, the “fight-or-flight” hormone, which is the initial rush you feel when you first smoke. After the nicotine is dispersed, it bonds with acetylcholine receptors on the neurons of your brain. Because these receptors are taken up with the nicotine, the body releases more acetylcholine, as it thinks there is a decreased level in the brain.

Acetylcholine works through what are known as cholinergic pathways—it causes you to feel awake and alert, and improves your ability to pay attention and your reaction time. When these cholinergic pathways are stimulated, your brain is triggered to release dopamine, which is a “reward” hormone, and also glutamate, which is a chemical involved in memory. It’s thought that this memory loop of positive response is the reason cigarettes are so addicting.

Cut the Cravings

Luckily for you, there is a plant that makes the taste of tobacco abhorrent. Native Americans have used Lobelia inflata for centuries as a cure for asthma, because it helps to remove mucus from and tone the lungs. It also reduces the action of dopamine in the brain, and in this way seems to fight addictions.

End Withdrawals

Nux vomica, Arsenicum album, and Lachesis all work to curb the sensations of withdrawal. N. vomica is taken in a very diluted form to stop the tremors, nausea, and fatigue associated with stopping smoking. A. album works on quieting the digestive process and the nerves. Lachesis helps to dissipate anger, irritation, and frustration—all symptoms that are heightened when one tries to stop an addiction.

Repair Your Penis

Epimedium grandiflora is a plant used on both males and females to increase Nitric Oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide, or NO, is the compound that allows the penis to become engorged, by suffusing the body with dilatory chemicals. Cistanche is an anti-inflammatory herb known to also increase circulation in the genital area, effectively rejuvenating your penile strength.

Supplemental Suggestions

What I recommend for you is a natural formula that contains some of these important herbs in a compound designed to detoxify the body, reopen the blood vessels, increase circulation, and stop the smoking cravings. (TRY: Smoking & Impotence Natural Formula) With these requirements in mind, I suggest trying this natural formula. I’m sure it will both assist you in your campaign to stop smoking, as well as reinvigorating your sex life through a healthier penis. Good luck with both!

What to do

Natural Solutions For Smoking & Impotence

Dump tobacco and keep your sex life. Smoking is the leading cause for Youth Impotence especially for those that start smoking at a younger age. If you were addicted to smoking cigarette, quit NOW. Smoking cigarette can cause lung cancer and heart...

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Views: 236

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 60663

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