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From a Big Bratwurst to a Shrunken Noodle – Getting Your Size Back

A young man who should be enjoying his sexual prime is instead getting passed over for sex because of his ever-shrinking penis. What can he do to reverse this unwanted trend?
Case #: 1968

Hi there, I’m a 28 year old man who should be in the prime of my sex life, but instead I’m ending up with what looks like a toddler penis.
Yes, I have gained some weight, yes, I don’t work out that much, and yes, my diet sucks. But I want to make some changes now! I’m tired of having a shrinking penis and want my old one back.
What can I do to make this happen? Please help me!

Tim had become obese as a result of eating too much fast food. His parents got him a gym membership and he started working out, but after each training session he would just end up stopping at the local pizza place down the street from the gym, where he would proceed to devour a couple of large supreme pizzas (with a large diet soda of course!).
Fall and Recovery

Since Tim was so fat, his choice of possible sex partners had dwindled to an equally fat retarded girl who lived across the street. Instead of trying to pursue that prospect, he ended up masturbating a lot. If his weight problem had shrunk his penis to a certain degree, jacking off all the time made it even more diminutive. Soon, Tim couldn’t even see his penis when looking downward since his belly eclipsed it.
Eventually, Tim’s father sat him down and talked some sense into him; he was to change his diet, take his workouts seriously, and start doing a penile enhancement technique which had to do with massaging his X-Spot. In time, Tim lost a ton of weight and his penis size grew – and so did his pool of perspective sex partners.
Knowledge & Penis Power

Who thought that such a simple technique could be so easy to use and effective? Indeed, much of what has to do with improving one’s sexual wellbeing has to do with knowledge. A lack of knowledge can mean that the chance of eliminating certain sexual dysfunctions is low. Armed with the right knowledge (as opposed to quick-fix schemes), one can experience profoundly positive results.
There are many things that can cause penile shrinkage; sports injuries, obesity, over-masturbation, a lack of testosterone – whatever the case may be, a shrinking member can lead to feelings of shame, potential embarrassment with a sex partner, and additional stress.
Since many men internalize their feelings this can spiral into a deep depression, where men may feel all alone in the world. So how can one not only recover but improve the overall situation?
It’s Really Not That Hard

There is a spot on every man’s penis where the sensory nerves intertwine with the perineal nerves, which helps to stimulate growth hormones such as hGH. To find this particular area, called the Extense Spot AKA X-Spot, men can do the following: (TRY: Reverse V Hook Technique For Shrinking Penis)

  • Step 1: Produce an erection and lift it up using one hand.
  • Step 2: Lubricate your penis.
  • Step 3: Form your index and middle fingers into a reverse V-hook formation.
  • Step 4: Start at the base of your penis shaft (corpus spongiosum), and gently rake your fingers up along your penis until they reach the head (glans), applying a light amount of pressure.
  • Step 5: Slowly slide your fingers back down your penis shaft, and repeat this action four more time, for a total of five.
  • Step 6: After you detect an area which is more sensitive than the others, you’ll have found your X-Spot. Concentrate on massaging that particular area for up to three minutes until you feel that it is sufficiently stimulated.

Performing this technique everyday can result in an increase in your penis size, and combined with healing herbal mixtures, can catapult a man into an all new sex life filled with some happy sex partners. So get started today!

What to do

Reverse V Hook For Shrinking Penis

Enhance your size to improve your sexual affaris.

[More Details +]

Views: 238

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 61319

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